For my own enjoyment, I want to share the knowledge I have collected as a pre-med and as a medical student while also sharing my passion for all my favorite things, like makeup and lattes.

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Friday, June 5, 2020

Med School Tip #2- Useful Things for Preclinical Years of Medical School

I have had many people ask what I use in my first 2 years of medical school. To be honest, looking back, my strategy at the beginning is completely different than what it is now.  I am writing this post as more of a reflection of what I wish I had at the beginning of the year and things that I was so thankful that I had. Now, I had clinic once a week during second year of medical school, which is sometimes referenced below.

1. Mac Book
I write all my notes in Word now so a MacBook was essential for me. I will be writing another post on how I stayed organized and wrote my notes so fear not. Not only did I use my MacBook for writing notes, but I also used it to take my exams. My school uses Examplify for all of our exams, which is easier to use on a laptop in my opinion. I prefer Apple products, but any laptop will do.

2. Ipad with Apple Pencil
This was a later purchase for me, but I found I was so much better about reviewing my notes and studying once I got it. I purchased my IPad Pro when I was in the middle of anatomy, and I was so thankful! I am a visual learner so it was easier to draw on my notes in color and see photos with it. I utilize Notability on my Ipad to keep me organized, and Excel to keep track of what I review. If you are a visual learner, I highly recommend.

3. A Good Pair of Headphones
I was so thankful to have a good pair of headphones. I could drone out friends but still study together. I could also study at more coffee shops this way.

4. Professional Clothes with Deep Pockets
There are so many occasions where you need to be dressed professionally. Clinic, standardized patient interviews, patient presentations, etc. are all events you need professional clothes for. I would recommend going and finding several outfits that will work. Also, you actually don't wear your white coat too often. That being said, as a woman, the small little pockets that often come in women's clothes aren't enough. You need to carry your notebook, phone, stethoscope, a snack, etc and you don't want a bag to get in the way. Pieces with pockets are a plus.

5. Medical Equipment
I wrote a post about medical equipment not too long ago. You can check it out here. Definitely get a stethoscope, a reflex hammer, and a pen light. You will definitely need a stethoscope for clinic, but it is good to have the other two just in case.

6. A Notebook and Pens
A small notebook that you can tear pages out of is a must. I use a Muji one that is great. The reason I say one that you can tear pages out of is that after awhile, you will be taking down patient info for presentations and writing notes. Once you are done with using the info, you need to shred the pages as it has personal information on them (don't forget about HIPPA). Also, have at least 2-3 pens on you. I have lost many a pen because a senior physician/resident/intern has borrowed mine and taken it. You looked prepared and ready if you give then your pen to use, but at the same time, it is easy to lose them that way.